Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Here I Am!

Hello I have not been on here for a long while so I will try and catch up.  Here is a a piece of Water Colour that I call Heaven!  This is what I would like to think Animal Heaven would look like! It took some time to do as there are a few animals to do!
I also tried out Stained Glass and did this piece that I gave to Jeff & Annette for their house for the little front window on the front porch.  I found the stained glass quite tedious and made my back and neck quite sore at the time.  I may do another project as I am feeling better.  Jeff hasn't installed this yet as the kids are always quite busy.
I have moved out of my Beach House and moved into town a few streets over from my Daughter, Melissa so that I can help them with watching Reese while they are at work.  I will post some more pictures of my latest art pieces in a few days.

1 comment:

  1. |Hurray! You're back! I love the Animal Heaven - that definitely seems to be one of your genres! The stained glass is lovely too - I'll see if I can bully them into getting it hung - or maybe Phil can do it when he is there next time.............
